Credit Repair Cloud Blog | How to Start a Credit Repair Business

Fast Track Your Credit Repair Business With Great Customer Service Ft. Malik Greene

Written by Daniel Rosen | February 18, 2020

I’m so excited to welcome our very first guest onto our Credit Repair Business Secrets Podcast! This just one of many success stories that we have in store for you. And I can’t wait to get started!

So let’s hear it for this week’s Credit Hero - Malik Greene!

Malik is the proud founder and CEO of Green’s Credit Repair from Jackson, Michigan. He started his business in the spring of 2019, and in just 8 months, his business grew from a one-person operation to a full credit repair team. Green’s Credit repair currently has 212 active clients, and Malik is aiming to double that figure by the end of the year.

When I came across his post in our Facebook Community, I knew I had to get him on the podcast right away. In less than a year, Malik was able to start his business from scratch and create a steady income stream that surpasses 200k in annual recurring revenue. Oh, and you want to hear the best part? He’s only 23 years old!

“Anything is possible when you are hungry.” - Malik Greene


How Malik Started His Credit Repair Business

If you follow our show regularly, you may recall that in one of our previous episodes, I talked about affiliate referrals and how they can be an unlimited source of credit repair clients. It works because tons of people are being turned away every day from car dealerships or by real estate agents because of their low credit score.

Well, Malik was able to witness this firsthand. It was actually a part of his daily routine. You see, Malik used to work as a finance manager at a Chevrolet franchise. He was working hard, rising through the ranks quickly, and making very impressive results. But for each sale that he would make, he was also be turning away three potential customers just because they had bad credit. 

The situation looked hopeless. Since this was all happening in a closely-knit community, Malik knew that there was no help available for anyone struggling with poor credit scores.

Malik was desperate to do something about it because he both saw a demand in the market and people who were struggling. So, he decided to quit his 9 to 5 and embark on an exciting entrepreneurial journey.

“You have to be self-motivated, and you have to be fueled by fear, and then you have to love money.” - Malik Greene


Attending the Credit Repair Expo and Getting His First Clients

Running your own business is challenging, and most people find it scary. Even the ones that are great at it! It’s not about being fearless - it’s about being brave. The goal is not to let yourself get overwhelmed by fear and learn to use it as fuel to get better and better each day.

Malik left a sure thing in pursuit of something bigger while also providing his community with a necessary service. And to him, it was the scariest thing ever. He had a family to take care of, bills to pay… But the fear only made him more motivated and determined to succeed.

Just days after he signed a lease for his new office, Malik packed his bags and attended the Credit Repair Expo, the #1 event for credit repair entrepreneurs. He surrounded himself with like-minded people and wrote down every single thing that could help him jump-start his business. And since I know how much cool information is being shared at our Expos, I can tell you - that’s a lot of writing!

He quickly started implementing the stuff he picked up at the conference, which allowed him to get his first 50 clients rapidly. Using his connections and the reputation that he’d gained in his community over the years, he was able to spread his message quickly and people were becoming more and more interested in his services.

Since then, the primary strategy he’s been using to promote his brand is social media, another thing we covered in some of our previous episodes. By producing content daily and providing people with guidance and helpful tips, Malik managed to position himself as a trustworthy credit repair expert in his community.

“With social media, you can pay for ads, but it’s actually pretty easy to do it free as well.” - Malik Greene


Why Malik Places Customer Service at the Core of his Credit Repair Business

Ever since his Chevy dealership days, Malik knew that customer service can make or break a business. That is why, from day one, he set out to create the ultimate credit repair experience for his customers. He relied on Credit Repair Cloud to make sure the technical side of things ran smoothly, but he always went out of his way to go the extra mile for his clients.

“Customer service is everything... I don’t even have clients - I have friends!” - Malik Greene

And now that he’s leading an entire team, he made sure to implement these principles into their training procedures. Customer service is crucial, but if you want to maintain quality standards, every single member of the company has to pull their weight and contribute. When you’re servicing 212 clients, it’s impossible to keep track of and maintain every single relationship just by yourself. Delegation is essential, but the people you’re delegating to need to share your approach.

Malik’s story is so inspiring, and when I first heard of it, I wanted to get him on our show immediately. I’m hoping he can be a role model for all of those who are still just starting out or struggling to make an impact. That is why I’ve invited him to share his story at this year’s Credit Repair Expo. We’re so excited to have Malik as part of our Credit Repair Cloud family, and I’m sure that he’ll be joining our prestige Millionaire’s Club in no time.

I’m thrilled we finally got to open up a new chapter of our podcast. Tune in next week for another fantastic credit repair story.

And until then - keep changing lives!


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P.S. If you are ready to start your own profitable credit repair business today, then click the button below to register for your free training