Credit Repair Cloud Blog | How to Start a Credit Repair Business

Credit Repair Marketing: 6 Simple Ways to Get Clients for Free!

Written by Daniel Rosen | July 11, 2023

Are you struggling to find new clients? 

Well, on this week's Podcast, I share 6 ways to market your business that can work for anyone, even beginners!

In the 20 years since releasing my first credit repair software, I've helped thousands of businesses build from the ground up. During that time, I faced many of the same challenges that you're facing, but I discovered proven ways to overcome them, grow, and succeed.

In my experience, most Credit Heroes follow a similar path. They learn their craft by fixing their credit, and then they start helping their friends and family. Then they turn these new skills into a business but immediately panic because they can't find any new clients!

They know how to repair credit but not how to market their service, and they realize these are two very different things, both equally important to the success of their business.

It's like that old saying: if a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it, does it make a sound? If a business has great service, but no one knows about it, does it help them? Unfortunately, it doesn't. You need both. 

The good news is there are a ton of creative and fun ways to market your business that work and many of them are free and beginner-friendly. 

If you're new to the business and you're feeling stressed about finding clients, don't worry. That's normal. Most new companies can't afford to pay for ads. That's normal, so it's perfectly fine to find cheap and creative marketing solutions. 

The key is to identify your target market, choose a strategy you believe in, give it your best effort, and know that mistakes are going to happen, so be ready to change if anything doesn't work. 

How This Relates To Us

Just because credit repair sells itself doesn't mean your business will too. 

You still have to put serious effort into your credit repair business marketing strategy. You still have to get your audience's attention and create messaging that convinces them to choose you over the competition. 

If that sounds simple, it is, but that doesn't mean it's easy. You can make some big mistakes because of marketing. I've learned that the hard.

About 19 years ago, when my business was just a little download, a marketing mentor told me if I wanted to sell my software, I needed to go all-in on a massive TV ad campaign. 

I didn't really like the idea, but I didn't know any better. So I listened to him. 

I borrowed $150,000 against my house, dressed up like a doctor, called myself "The Credit Doctor," and spent all that money on TV commercials.

And guess what happened? They failed miserably! No one bought it.

I flushed all that money away because I trusted a marketing "expert" when I should've trusted my own instincts.

At that point, I could've given up. But I didn't. 

I accepted the mistake, and I changed my strategy.

I had no choice but to get creative, keep it simple, and spend nothing. 

So, I started a blog. I wrote every night until the sun came up. 

And what happened this time? 

That Blog became the most successful marketing campaign I've ever had, and it was free, and those articles are still driving traffic to Credit Repair Cloud. 

Factors Influencing Your Early Credit Repair Marketing Strategies

The first is the Credit Repair Organizations Act. Otherwise known as CROA. It is a federal law that regulates how you can market your business. It prohibits companies from making false or misleading claims and requires you to provide clients with certain disclosures for things like service fees. 
So, before you launch your marketing campaign, remember to review CROA and learn how it applies to you. 

The second key factor is your target market. 

Why This Is Important For Credit Repair Companies

There are so many different marketing options. The fastest way to success is to study your market and choose a target. 

It's estimated that more than 53 million Americans need to improve their credit, but how many of those people live near you? What specific problems do they have, and how will you help solve them? 

If you try to speak to all 53 million at once, your messaging will probably be generic and vague, and it probably won't connect in a meaningful way. 

So, do your research. Learn the demographics of your area. This will enable you to identify the best market opportunity and help you choose your target. 

Your target will help choose your strategy for you.

For example, if there's a large group of millennials with student loan debt in your area, you might want to focus on a social media strategy that talks about easing the burden of that debt. 

That type of message will have a better chance of connecting.

If I'm making all this sound very serious, I want you to know marketing is actually a lot of fun! Good marketing is all about making connections, and there are simple ways to do that, even if you're just starting out. 

Six Proven Credit Repair Marketing Strategies That Work For Anyone


Whether it's a friend, family member, or a paying client, personal recommendations are gold! Happy customers love sharing their experiences, and you can turn each of them into a walking billboard for your business.

If you're just starting and doing credit repair work for free, encourage your clients to tell their friends about your excellent service. 

Set up online business listings and have them review you. Ask them to share results on social media and make a testimonial you can post. You can even offer an incentive for every referral they send you. 

A solid client referral system is one of the easiest and most consistent ways to market your business and get new clients!


Get out of the house, get out of your comfort zone, and go and meet people! Go to local events. It doesn't always have to be credit repair related. It just has to be a place you can engage with your community and promote your business. 

You can also join professional credit repair organizations, workshops, or groups related to what we do. The more people that know you in the field, the more you gain credibility, and they can turn into Affiliate Partnerships.


These are win-win business relationships with professionals in related fields that share a similar target audience but provide totally different services. 

Auto Dealers are excellent Affiliate Partners because they interact with a lot of credit-challenged customers. Most people who walk into their dealerships are going to be turned away due to credit issues. Each time they deny a potential customer because of a low credit score, instead of losing out on a sale, they can refer that customer to you. You can repair their credit, and eventually, when they do qualify for a car loan, you can refer them back to the dealership.


Here, you create and share free entertaining or educational credit repair content on the channels most used by your target audience. Your potential clients watch the content, see you as a trusted authority, and then they'll want to hire you.

If you have a website, you can post success stories and results. You can host seminars on Facebook Live or write LinkedIn articles. You can post credit tips on Instagram or credit bureau memes on Tik Tok. 

It really depends on the audience and how you want to present yourself.

Whatever content you create to promote your business, just remember, it doesn't have to sound like an ad, but it does need to stand on its own as a valuable piece of content, or people will scroll past it. So, take it seriously, do it well, and do it often. The most successful credit heroes I know post a minimum of 3 times a day. 


In addition to a website, you can build a web page that provides a free resource that potential clients can download in exchange for their email address. 

These landing pages can showcase your services, highlight your expertise, and act as an entry point for a sales funnel and email nurture campaigns.

Just make sure the page is user-friendly, visually appealing, mobile-friendly, and it provides a simple way for potential clients to contact you.


Your SEO measures where your website ranks when people search for key credit repair words and phrases. 

If your website makes it to the top of a Google search, you get the most clicks. If you move up or down in the ranking, your traffic will rise or fall.

There are plenty of ways to improve your SEO that won't cost you much if anything. There are online tools that audit your site and make suggestions, and there are youtube tutorials that can teach you how to make changes.  

Whether you use one of these marketing methods or all 6, you need to track the results, pay attention to what's working and change what isn't. 

You can learn more about these strategies by signing up for our
Masterclass! The Masterclass includes six months of Credit Repair Cloud software and in-depth credit repair marketing courses. 


Your marketing strategy is one of the most important parts of your business, but you don't have to spend a penny to find new clients. 

Just identify your target market, choose a strategy you believe in, and give it your all. That's the best any company can do, large or small. 

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