Credit Repair Cloud Blog | How to Start a Credit Repair Business

How to Generate Leads on Youtube with Dave Cousins & Michael Drake!

Written by Daniel Rosen | November 15, 2022

Hey, Credit Heroes! 

Today my special guests are Dave Cousins and Michael Drake, two talented entrepreneurs who are not only Credit Heroes but also REAL HEROES!

Dave and Mike started their Credit Repair Business while in the Navy, but their company took off when they learned how to turn VIEWERS into LEADS on Youtube!

So, on this week's Podcast, Dave and Mike stop by to explain the exact steps and marketing tricks they used to build a BOOMING Credit Repair business with a following of over FIFTY THOUSAND Subscribers on Youtube!


Okay, so a few weeks ago, I was at a huge Funnel Hacking Live marketing event. It's an event put on by Russell Brunson and ClickFunnels, and everything that we know about marketing, that we've used to grow Credit Repair Cloud, we've learned from them. 

At that big event, I met Dave and Mike. They have a huge Credit Repair business that's really taking off because of their enormous YouTube following! And the moment I met them and heard their story, I knew I had to get them on my podcast. 

Dave and Mike drop a whole lot of gold. They share their incredible story and break down how they built a Youtube channel with over 50K subscribers by giving away their Credit Repair knowledge for free and turning those VIEWERS into LEADS!

And they explain how they built their thriving business WHILE SERVING IN THE NAVY! 

It's a great discussion. You don't want to miss a single minute!

Here are a few of the highlights… 

So, how did Credit Repair come into the picture? 

Dave: Everybody else below me, like all my Junior Sailors, had houses. And I was like, "they're gonna tell me about getting a house." I didn't know that I was able to. I thought it was, like, a long process to get a house. I don't know how to get a house. I didn't know anything. I knew no research. But when I saw everybody else get a house, I wanted the house too. I talked to my family. And Mike was my first cheat code or my second cheat code because he told me the process of actually buying a house. 

I went to the loan officer that I think Mike told me to go to, and I asked him, and they pulled my credit. And he says, "Son, you know, usually we don't really have a qualifying score for the VA loan, but you gotta at least have a 580." My credit score was way below 580. So they told me if I wanted to get this house, he told me the process I needed to go through, and I did this research, and I started cleaning and fixing my credit so I could get above a 620. Then I qualified for the home six months later. I became a homeowner. Then from there, I just started posting what I was doing, and people started asking questions. But I didn't know you can make this a business until I saw Mike.

You started your business while you were in the Navy. That's amazing! How did you do it?

Mike: So we were helping people in the military for free. All our Junior Sailors. I was helping everybody, anybody who would listen. I was just telling 'em, "Hey, call Navy Federal, get an increase on your limit." And I was looking at people's Credit Reports, and I was telling them the different laws that pertain to military veterans or military members, and people were getting results. So we were like, "Hey, let's turn this into a business." 

So maybe six months before we actually started the LLC, we were handwriting letters. My wife and I was calling the collection agencies, telling them I was on deployment and I couldn't pay my bills. And when they removed it, I was like, "Why did they do that?" And we found out that it was certain criteria that they had to follow depending on your circumstance. We fixed my wife's credit using the manual process, and we were helping people around the Command, the Navy Command, and we were telling them, "Hey, if you have this certain credit score, call Navy Fed, maybe every six months to a year, ask for a limit increase. What that's gonna do is, it's gonna help your utilization." So we were fixing credit by just giving away the information, which is kind of crazy. 

You're excellent on YouTube. And it's wild. You really do give away all the secrets. You just give'em away.

Dave: Yeah, step by step by step. I realize that everybody needs a process. And a lot of people don't understand if they don't see it. That's how…I'm a visual learner. So if I could show you and tell you what to do, I was…That's how I was taught. So that's why I was like, lemme just give it away. But Mike, he was like, "No! What are you doing?!"

Mike: I didn't understand at the time until we got more into marketing. And then that's where I started to kind of blossom because now I had something, a sounding board to bounce my ideas off of. Whenever we do something, I'll go through YouTube to see what worked, what didn't work. "Okay, use this color. Use that color." But I think most importantly, when you get a client in, if they can get the information from you for free, we'll say, "Okay, well, what step did you stop at?" Well, I stopped at step four or five. "Okay, well, we can keep going through the rest of the steps. Do you know what the rest of the steps are?... This is a two-way street. You gotta do your part, and I'll do our part." And then it gets better customers that way.

Would you say YouTube is your biggest LEAD source?

Mike: Yeah, we stopped everything else after YouTube.

For anyone who wants to start a successful YouTube channel, what does it take? What are the steps? What's your advice?

Mike: So the first step, I would say find questions people are asking. So there's a website called Answer The Public. And if you type in "Fixing Credit" or "Credit Repair," there will be a list of questions, thousands of questions people are asking on a day-to-day basis. And people are searching. So I find specific questions people are asking, and then I'll create a step-by-step process on how to actually answer that specific question. 

All my videos are about answering people's questions. And I create a step-by-step process on how to do it and how to basically achieve that question that they ask. So if I want to remove a collection, they'd be like, "How do I remove a collection of my credit report?" So I just go through my process of how to remove a collection off a credit report. I give them so much information. I show them what to do, how to do it, when to do it, what if it comes back, verify what to do next. And they're like, "Oh my gosh, he gave me everything!" And that's what I want the take away for people.

It's like, "Oh my gosh, I got enough information to go do this process. If I need help, I can find another question or find another video answering that question. And if I get stuck, I know who to hire because I gave so much information." 

So that's STEP NUMBER ONE for starting the YouTube channel…just finding questions people are asking. 

And then STEP NUMBER TWO is press and record. 

Were you nervous about giving away all your knowledge for FREE?

Dave: Oh no. That's been like that since the military. Anybody ask questions, I'll give you whatever I know when it comes to qualifying, when it comes to getting certain things for the military or how to get theirs or how to get that. And I did the same thing for business. They ask me a question. I just give them away, everything, or what to do.

Dave and Mike were fantastic guests! 

You have to listen to the entire interview! 

They dropped a ton of gold and gave all that knowledge away for free. 

So, go check out the full episode on YouTube to learn how they built their business by turning their Youtube VIEWERS into LEADS and how you can too!

Also, check out Dave & Mike's YouTube Channel, like, subscribe, and drop a comment letting them know Daniel sent you!

I'll end by saying…

If you don't already have a Credit Repair Cloud account, check it out. It's the software that most Credit Repair businesses in America run on. Just sign up for a 30-Day Free Trial at

And if you'd like to change lives and grow your own credit repair business, check out our Credit Hero Challenge!

It's an amazing program, and we've got another challenge starting in a few days, so grab your spot right now at!

Until next time, remember…

If you give knowledge away for free, people will pay for your expertise!

Keep giving knowledge away and keep changing lives!

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