Credit Repair Cloud Blog | How to Start a Credit Repair Business

Get Affiliates & Sales With Jake Hambright

Written by Daniel Rosen | October 19, 2021

Have you ever wondered how some people can scale their business really fast, like they went from zero to hundreds of clients, in the blink of an eye?

Today’s article is all about one of the fastest ways to grow your credit repair business from nothing –– 


Leveraging the power of affiliates. 

An affiliate partnership is an agreement between you and another company to promote each other’s products and services. No matter where you’re at in your credit repair journey, building relationships is the key to scaling your affiliate program. It’s pretty simple to find affiliates because there are so many types of companies that can be great partners. 

Who are good affiliate partners for credit repair?

Businesses like mortgage brokers, auto dealerships, realtors, dental or medical offices, tax preparers, and even companies who install solar, and so many more! Really, potential affiliate partners for you in this case are any businesses that offer to finance or turn people away because of credit issues. They’re a perfect fit for credit repair because they regularly interact with people that need your services and they have the ability to send you new clients every day.

But that’s how to find them. So how do you get them to want to partner with you? 

In my podcast interview today with sales and affiliate expert Jake Hambright, he shares his tactics on how to approach affiliates. You’re in good hands because Jake is the master –– he has the inside track because he comes from the financing side, and in his first three months in credit repair using Credit Repair Cloud, Jake earned $60K! And that was just the beginning for him.

Below, I’ll share with you just a few highlights from my interview, so at the end of this article, make sure to tune in to learn his strategies for multiplying your client pipeline, so you can reach your goals faster, just like he did.

When Jake Hambright was a mortgage broker, he would repair a client’s credit just to get the loans passed through. Once he started using Credit Repair Cloud, it took three months for him to make tens of thousands of dollars!

Just ONE Affiliate Can Give You A Bunch Of Leads Every Week

Jake tells us that once his affiliate found a lead, the three of them would do a conference call. According to Jake, this is the best way because it keeps everybody honest. And if the lead falls off, then the affiliate could call them directly and ask if they’re still on board. 

If all sides do their part, then in 4-6 months, the new client could be in the position to buy a house or a car.


How To Build A Pipeline

Jake tells potential affiliates such as realtors, mortgage brokers, and auto dealers that if they work with him and bring him clients who need to boost their credit scores, they’ll be able to close 3-5 more deals every month. Let’s do the math –– if an average real estate deal pays a $6K commission, then that’s an extra $18-24K per month for the affiliate who’s a realtor. 

What NOT to tell potential new affiliates 

Jake never starts his affiliate pitch by talking about how he’s going to fix their clients’ credit. Instead, he talks about what he can do for the AFFILIATES. He lets them know that he’s going to bring them 4-5 additional closings per month. 

His strategy to attract affiliates is to add as many realtors, mortgage brokers, etc. as possible to his social media followers. Then, he posts a few credit repair successes from his clients whose scores have increased, and as a result, they’re able to buy a home. This kind of marketing makes affiliates see dollar signs and want to partner with Jake. Remember, it’s all about what you can do for them.

So those are just a FEW of the highlights from our interview. Whatever you do, you want to make sure that you’re constantly building your affiliate network. Once you watch my interview with Jake and leverage the secrets to affiliate success as he did, you’ll know that no matter what challenges come your way, there are specific steps you’ll take that will get you to your sales goals. Then, you can live your dream, and while you’re at it, you’ll change lotta lives so other people can live their dreams, too.

And one more thing! If you want to get certified in disputing and launch your very own credit repair business in just a couple of weeks, I invite you to join our Credit Hero Challenge!

It’s an amazing program that has helped tons of Credit Heroes get their first clients, get certified in disputing, and gain confidence in knowing they are launching their credit repair business on a solid foundation that allows them to grow and scale FAST! 

We’re starting again soon, so SIGN UP NOW at!

Be sure to subscribe on your favorite platform below!