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Grow Your Credit Repair Business with CHAS WILSON’S Networking Strategies!

Written by Daniel Rosen | August 29, 2023

Are you having trouble building business relationships and networking?

Well, on this week's Podcast, Chas Wilson, the founder of Master Networks, is here to talk about how building meaningful relationships can grow your credit repair business!

Our most successful credit heroes, the ones who make a great living and change a ton of lives, all have one thing in common. They all have built relationships with other businesses. 

Chas Wilson is the founder and CEO of Master Networks, which has thousands of members all across America. He spent a decade consulting business leaders and entrepreneurs. He's passionate about helping small businesses succeed through the power of networking and relationships. He's also the author of the bestselling book 'FIVE PLUS ONE: The Entrepreneur's Formula for Success.' 

And he's here today to show you how to grow your business and increase your revenue by building relationships. 

I know you're going to love this interview! 

So grab a pen and paper because you'll want to take notes!

Here are a few of the highlights… 

What is Master Networks?

Master Networks, really quickly, it's a learning based organization. So at the core, we're an education company, but we organized through networking groups around the country. We're in 26 states now. We're actually global. We have people in Australia and the UK. It's super awesome, but we've got people all over, and we come together to connect, to share, and to prosper together.

What is the "Face-to-Face Stack" Method?

Here's the thing that happens. Most people don't do this. This is easy to do. Therefore, it's easy not to do. But it's a stack. 

Let's say I would go to the same place every week somewhere nearby, and I would ask a realtor, let's say a mortgage professional. So, let's just use those three. Solar, I love that one. Because that's hot right now, right? 

Okay, so here's what I would do. I would start with the mortgage professional. I would say, Hey, can you meet me at 9 o'clock? I'd love to connect with you. And then I'll tell you what you do when you're there. Then maybe at 10 o'clock, you have the real estate agent show up, and then at 11 o'clock, you have the solar person show up, right? So, in a three-hour window, you've made three connections. 

But here's the beauty of this. When the mortgage person comes at 9, and they're done, and the real estate person shows up at 10, guess what you're gonna do? "Hey, Daniel, I'd like you to meet my new friend Keenan." Right? And you made that connection. All of a sudden, you're like the star because you're now connected. Not just the connection you just made, but you're connecting other people. And then, when the real estate agent leaves, and the solar person shows up, you connect the two of them. So now you become this connector all around, everywhere you go. 

And so that's kind of the beauty of what we call a face-to-face stack. Now, if the distance is an issue, you can do that via Zoom, too. We, I do those across the world via Zoom. Have a meeting with you, have someone come into my Zoom room, I connect them, and say, "Hey Daniel, see you later." Now I talk to Keenan. All that kinda of stuff, right? So that's, that's one way you can do it. 

The second way you can do it, of course, is by joining an organization like Master Networks, where we put everybody together for you. 

What is the B.O.N.D. Method?

It's an acronym. Really easy to remember. 

"B" is you BUILD on a common interest. Oh, I know that's earth-shattering. I'm telling you, it doesn't happen, Daniel. It doesn't happen. People get in a meeting. They start telling 'em about themselves. No build on a common interest. Like if I didn't know you and we hopped on here, I would find something, which is really cool. You have an excellent background. Like, I'd be like, "Oh, those are cool. What's the robots about?" You know? Or, "Oh, the INC5000. Like, tell me about that." Right? I would see something there that would come up in common. I know you're headquartered in California. I grew up in California. I would just start talking about that, right? Build on something in common. Okay? It's a skill. 

"O" - OCCUPATION exploration. Meaning now that we've built a relationship on some common commonality. "Daniel, tell me about your business. Tell me what, how you got started. Tell me why you do credit repair." Because here's the thing that happens. Everyone knows they go networking. It's like a good old boys club. You can't. Everyone walks up. Hey Daniel, credit rep. Oh, what do you do? No, stop timeout. That's amateur. Go back and build something in common. Then, ask about what you do at work. Ask a ton of questions. 

"N" - NEEDS discovery. "Hey Daniel, what do you need right now? What's keeping you up at night? Who are you looking to connect with? How can I help you?" Those kinds of questions. You'll be amazed at how people be like, "Wow, okay, I wasn't prepared for that question, but, yeah, well, what, you know, what makes you nervous? You know, what are your competitors doing?" 

"D" - DEVELOPING opportunity. What most people look at networking about as they're like, I'm trying to develop the opportunity right outta the gate. No, chill, calm down. That comes later. If you build long-lasting relationships over time, they will always either turn out to develop an opportunity for you or for someone else. 

So that was a long, and maybe you wanna unpack or ask any questions, but that's the B.O.N.D method, right? That's what you do when you're in front of people, and you're having a face-to-face meeting.

Once you've developed that relationship, how do you build it?

Most business Daniel doesn't come in that first meeting. You're really building the relationship. And if you're a pro, you don't even try to do business that first time. 

I'm just telling you, it's so transactional this game right now that if you can be more relational than transactional, you'll win long term. 

But the advanced level is, "Here's what I can do for you," but you also mentioned, "A, B, C, and D is a problem." 

"And let me introduce you…I'm gonna connect you with my friend because he could solve that problem, or she could solve that problem for you if you're open to it. Would you like me to make that introduction? So much that I've done in business has come through someone else. I've referred to them, and then I circle back and say, Hey, did they help you? Did they connect you? Yes. Great. And now I'm sitting in front of them doing business because they appreciate the connection.

How do you maintain those relationships and keep them alive?
So that's the million-dollar question. It's not as hard as we think. Okay. So here's what I do. In my CRM in my database, I have like a pipeline. 

It's called my Tribe 25. These are my 25 people that I'm constantly working on, and those are the new ones I'm trying to connect with. And then once they become part of that, they go into what? 

I just call it my 48-Touch Group. Meaning, I'm trying to touch 1 once a week throughout the year, right? Taking a few weeks off. That's why it's only 48. 

So, my Tribe 25 is my Top 25 group. These are the people I'm trying to connect with, and I keep a pipeline, and I just say, scheduled a face-to-face, had a B.O.N.D meeting. What's the follow-up action? If I feel like it's gonna go somewhere, I drop them into my 48-Touch. 

What about shy people? What can introverts do when networking or relationship building goes against their nature?
I love this question, and I don't know if you remember this, but the first mastermind you and I went together. When we got into the second one…our friend Krista stood up and said, "Chas, I thought you didn't like me because you just, like, you're so quiet at stuff." When I tell you this, I know people think I'm lying. I've been doing this for 13 years. I'm an introvert by nature, and I own a networking organization. 

What I'm telling you is the B.O.N.D method can give you some confidence because what we teach in master networks is the skill. Every week, we practice B.O.N.D. so that when you're with somebody, and you really need to like nail it. You have the skillset down. And as an introvert, it's your safety net. B.O.N.D. is like your safety net. Because you're like, "What do I do? What do I say?" So, we teach people to come up with two or three introductory BUILD on a common interest statements, and then it's like the rest is natural. The rest will happen. 

Some people feel like networking is disingenuous or salesy. How do you respond to that?

Well, a lot of it is. I'm not gonna lie…a lot of it is. A lot of people are very disingenuous…That's why it's so easy to stand out.

What's coming up next for you in Master Networks?
Well, we just launched our community…One of the things we were up against, Daniel, is we see people all over the world and all over the country who are lonely. They need connections. They feel lost. They don't know what to do next in their business. And we provide education on being great business owners. I wrote the book that you talked about here—tens of thousands of copies. We've helped tons of entrepreneurs 10, 20x their company, not just through the networking but through the education. 

And we realized that we don't have chapters everywhere. We can't launch 'em fast enough. So what we did is we created a mobile platform that brought the whole community together worldwide, and it allows people to plug into our education and connect and do face-to-face on the app, do the B.O.N.D method, do all of that, and make connections. So we've literally built the connections for you. Just plug in, and with your permission, I'd like to offer your people a 7-Day FREE Trial to that community.
They can start making connections, they can start in the education they can plug in now, just like anything, it's like any asset, you gotta put some effort and investment into it. If you put in some time and connection, you'll have a steady stream of business, for sure. 

So, just for your group, this is what I do for my friends. You guys are amazing, and I wanna offer this since we talk so much about the community that I have. I want to give your people a seven-day free trial to the Master Networks community. Okay. Go to Learn.MasterNetworks.Net/Community.

They'll get a FREE 7-Day Trial…And they can connect with people immediately using the B.O.N.D method. 

How can people get your book?  
I'm gonna do that for FREE for your people. So they just gotta cover the shipping. They just go to FREE FivePlusOne, put in their information, cover the shipping, and I'll send a book out to them.

And that was just a tiny part of the interview! 

Chas shared so many golden nuggets! You have to check out the entire episode and take notes!

To learn more about Chas, check out his WEBSITE or join Master Networks and start building relationships! 


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