Have you ever thought, success just comes so easily for some people?
Like they don’t even have to try hard, and they just automatically succeed?
How about the flip side of that? Have you ever thought some people will never break through to real success, no matter how much they try?
Maybe you’ve felt like that before.
Maybe you come from a family that struggles or has always struggled, and maybe you want to be the one to break through to the other side, the one who stops that cycle of spinning your wheels, once and for all.
I understand. As a kid, I never had money. I didn't come from money or have amazing advantages or opportunities. In fact, I left home at 13 and I juggled on street corners in LA to make a living! And education? Well, not only did I not go to college, I didn't even graduate high school!
Back then, I was basically a street person and as poor as a person can be. I remember at one point stealing toilet paper from the fast-food joint, Jack in the Box - because I just couldn’t afford it! But I never gave up.
I couldn’t stop asking myself, “What is it that makes some people successful and others not?”
That entire time, I struggled really hard, and I obsessed about success, until eventually, I found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I discovered the cheat codes, the secret to success! It was like a giant light switch turned on, that nobody could ever turn off again.
And when I began applying what I learned, it was AMAZING! I began finding success in everything I set out to do.
And the best part is, I believe if I can do it, you can too!!
So today, I'll share with you the secret to success and how you can use it to start a successful business from home with almost ZERO upfront cost!
Once you discover the cheat codes like I did, you’ll always remember that no matter what challenges come your way, being successful is a DECISION - and that decision is all in how you look at things. If you focus on the positive, and keep your eye on the ball, you’ll ALWAYS get more positive results!
The recipe to success boils down to just two words.
The first word is, attitude.
If you choose to see the opportunity in front of you, and if your attitude stays positive, then chances are, you’ll get great results.
The second word is, goals.
People who choose to set goals are the people who reach those goals because they know where they're going.
Throughout my life I've let myself dream BIG, and have big, crazy goals to reach those dreams.
A LOT of people thought I’d gone off the deep end, until I proved them wrong ... I achieved my goals … and beyond!
And that’s because I never took my eye off the ball! I worked very, very hard, but I always called my shot.
As a kid, when I was juggling on those street corners, people would throw change into my hat, and my goal at that point was to make enough to eat.
And guess what? Every day, I made just enough to eat.
BECAUSE that was my goal, that’s exactly what I got ... just enough. Not any more. Not any less.
Then suddenly one day, it hit me, and I realized why I could never get ahead … my goals were TOO SMALL!
So I decided to set a new, bigger goal and truly believe I could get to a place of MORE than enough.
And I bet you know happened next! I started making just a little bit more than I needed to survive.
In fact, it was that little extra amount that got me to the next level, and I finally managed to start saving some money. In fact, a few years later, I was able to finally buy a house.
Every Action Starts A Chain Reaction
The funny thing is, even though that house led to my credit getting messed up and nearly going bankrupt, which some would say is a negative thing, I’m so thankful for it!
The need to overcome a major obstacle … that’s what led me to my next goal of creating the WORLD’S FIRST credit repair software.
The truth is, I didn't know the first thing about programming, let alone running an entire business, but I set a goal to do it. I called my shot, and then I bootstrapped it from nothing, and I figured out how to get there.
Whatever you’ve set out to do, I believe you can do it! And most importantly, I want YOU to believe in yourself, too!
If you set your mind on these two things - POSITIVE ATTITUDE and your BIG GOAL - you could become one of our most successful Credit Heroes because with every action you take, you set off a chain reaction.
The bottom line is, when you set your goal to help others and change lives, the actions that you put towards that goal will grow your own credit repair business FASTER than anything else you could do!
The secret is passion
Anyone can learn credit repair, and anyone can learn how to run a business, but this business goes beyond making money. This business is all about people, and it’s super personal!
The secret is to always remember that the MOST important thing of all is a passion for helping people and a positive attitude, YOU can bootstrap your life-changing business and get started for nearly nothing! Just like I did!
Part of success is feeling fulfilled, so if you truly have a passion for helping people and changing lives, your success will soon follow.
I’ve seen it time and time again with every one of our Millionaire’s Club Members … a love for helping people is a major thing they have in common!
Of course, once you’ve locked down the big things, like your attitude, your goals, and your passion for helping people, there will always be practical needs to run your business every day.
Practical Guide To Bootstrapping On a Shoestring Budget
So, what ARE the practical ways to start a credit repair business from the comfort of your home and with almost ZERO investment?
I built Credit Repair Cloud from nothing, living on Top Ramen while I learned how to save money and build a business … one dollar at a time.
Earn a dollar, invest a dollar, earn a dollar, invest a dollar, until the money you’ve invested back into your business starts making you MORE and MORE mondey.
I’m going to share with you HOW to do it, because I know If I can do it, YOU can, too!
For $47, you can launch your business from home.
That’s really all there is to it!!
It’s all pretty cut and dry, isn’t it?!
So if you’re ready to get started building your very own credit repair business from the comfort of your own home for only $47 and in just a couple weeks, go to creditherochallenge.com to join today!