When you first launch your credit repair business, the best strategy to become an expert is to offer free credit repair to what I call “test clients”.
This allows you to:
- Gain experience and confidence through repetition.
- Gather testimonials and reviews to help you when it comes time to sell your services.
- Get referrals from your test clients you got RESULTS for.
- AND Convert the free clients to paid clients once they see the progress and results you’re giving them!
But the question becomes, how do you sign up these test clients in a way that is professional, covers all your bases, but is also the path of least resistance?
And today, I’m gonna show you exactly how!...
So let’s dive in!
If you’ve just started as a credit repair business owner, you’ve probably fixed your own credit, and hopefully have used our proven social media script to get a ton of test clients…
And even though you're not charging actual money for your services - you're expecting raving testimonials that you’ll use later to help prove your value and you’ll be asking the free clients to send you referrals to grow your business.
So, the question is:
The answer is, “NO!”
In this instance, you can keep it simple!
A service agreement is a contract between your business and a paying client. It outlines the rights, rules and responsibilities between you and your client.
If no money is exchanged, you don’t need a written contractual agreement.
Instead, a simple verbal agreement or understanding will work perfectly!
But, it’s important to note that even though your test clients aren’t signing and agreement, you SHOULD onboard them just as you will your paid clients.
When you onboard paid clients, you login to your Credit Repair Cloud software and click “Add New Client”, you fill in their profile, assign the client to yourself, turn the portal access on then choose the agreement.
So with free test clients, the only difference is, as you go through the same onboarding process, you choose “no agreement”, then when you click submit, your free test client will receive the “Welcome Email” and is directed on how to complete their setup.
It’s really that simple!
These test clients are the foundation of your success! Just like they’ve been for so many of our Millionaires Club members! Ashley M., for example, started with free clients and has built a massive empire.
She has tens of thousands of followers on social media and still uses the same strategy of asking for referrals and posting testimonials. The only difference now is that they are all paying clients!
So if you want to learn more about how to find your test clients, how to get them results, and how to grow your credit repair business just like Ashley, I wanna invite you to join our upcoming Credit Hero Challenge!
We’ve got another one starting in a few days so grab your spot today at creditherochallenge.com
Be sure to subscribe on your favorite platform below!
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