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Proven Steps From Zero To Millionaire Part 1

By: Daniel Rosen Last updated: April 24, 2024

Did you know most of our credit repair millionaires started from nothing & with nothing? And guess what? You can too! 

There’s a common misconception that to be successful you need to pour money into things like paid ads, flashy websites, and a big team. But the truth is, most of our millionaires didn’t start with any of that stuff - and neither did I!

Now, anyone who knows me now knows me as Daniel. But did you know for a time I went by the name Phil? And even more often, I was Tammy?

When I started the first version of our software, I couldn’t afford a team. So I’d be Tammy on support, and Phil on sales. But really it was just me the whole time, sitting at my computer, in my underpants with a five o’clock shadow, eating top ramen for the millionth time, because I was too broke to have a team, ads, or automation and I was too embarrassed to admit it to my customers! 

Maybe you haven’t gone to the extreme of pretending you’re somebody you’re not. But have you ever thought you needed a bunch of big, expensive, flashy stuff to get your business up and running? 

I think we all have at one time or another. But you know what I discovered both in my business and after helping thousands of Credit Heroes quit their 9-5 jobs, and earn six and seven-figure incomes? 

I discovered that the best way to go from zero to a millionaire costs you almost NOTHING! 

It’s things like: 

  • Excellent customer service. 
  • Mastering your craft. 
  • Getting results for your clients. 
  • Staying visible on places like Facebook and Instagram!
  • Sharing testimonials, sharing your story.
  • And authentically offering to help!

Why Is This Important? 

First, if you waste all your time and money on things that aren’t producing results, you’re going to wind up resenting the business you built. And worse, you’ll never achieve the level of success you’re capable of. 

Secondly, if you don’t become all you’re meant to be, there are going to be a lot of families hurting financially because you’re not around to help them with their credit, allowing them to live the life they want! 

Thirdly, and worst of all, you’ll always wonder what if? 

“What if I had followed the processes and systems?”

“What if I had stuck it out through the hard stuff?”

“What if I had become a millionaire and was living the life of my dreams?” 

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again - YOU HAVE TO START WITH THE BASICS!

How To Bootstrap A Highly Profitable Credit Repair Business From Nothing 

Step One: 

Learn the flow of Credit Repair Cloud Software and practice with your sample client and sample report, so you know it like the back of your hand. 

Repeat this mantra: “Import, audit, tag, and save.” Say it with me:  “Import, audit, tag, and save.” 

If you don’t know what this means yet, dive into our free resources, order my free book The Ultimate Guide To Starting A Credit Repair Business, or join us for our next Credit Hero Challenge, where we take you by the hand as you learn all these basics. 

Step Two: 

Be your own first client and work on your own credit. Dispute a handful of items and wait 30 days for results. Remember, you don’t want to dispute a ton of things all at once - unless you were a victim of identity theft and have a police report to include with your letters. So choose a few items to dispute and send out your round one letters. 

Step Three: 

Offer to help your family and friends for free! This way you’ll become an expert as you learn to import a report, run a free credit audit, give awesome client consultations, save the reports, and send your dispute letters. Don’t worry about going too slowly. Time is on your side and if you take the time in the beginning you’ll gain it back later in loyal customers because you’ll be getting results and doing it the right way. 

Step Four: 

30 days after you send your round one letters, you’ll start to get those awesome results! This is the time to ask for testimonials and videos that show your customer’s success! 

Real people whose lives you’ve changed are the best way to build your “social proof” and they’ll become a free lead generation machine, practically making the sales for you! Remember, all this is free! 

Your best form of advertising is happy clients with proven results. So start with your family and friends, then give them a fifty dollar commission for each paid client they refer to you, and start building up your referral base. 

Step Five: 

Now that you’ve built a solid foundation, you can begin charging money for credit repair. Just make sure you’re compliant. Each state has different rules, so do your due diligence. Some states require a bond, and others don’t. So check with your state or an attorney. 

Also, when you see the bond prices, don’t freak out. You get the bond through a bonds service, and then you only pay a small fraction of the total bond amount. It’s totally affordable. 

If this concerns you - again, I recommend joining our Credit Hero Challenge, where you can hop on LIVE sessions and get real-time answers from our experts!

Step Six: 

Create a super simple business with simple, consistent pricing. Charge every client the same affordable recurring monthly fee. Deliver results, educate clients, give away information, show value, have a full refund policy for people who aren’t happy, be amazing, and grow an awesome reputation! 

This article is getting pretty long. There are actually 12 steps I wanted to share with you, but I’m going to save the rest of the steps for my next article. 

Before I wrap up completely, I want to tell you about Ashley M., who made a million dollars in just 18 months by doing what I’m telling you.  

She is one of our Millionaires Club Members and she’s such an inspiration because she started her business from nothing by doing these same simple things! 

Ashley was working at the Post Office, she was doing everything she could to raise her own credit. Eventually, she increased it over 144 points! She was so excited, she started posting her results on Facebook and almost instantly had people reaching out to her for help! 

It didn’t take long for her to quit her 9-5 job, and grow her company to where it is today - a multi-million dollar credit repair business! 

She started with these first six simple steps and she’s changed thousands of lives and built an incredible life for herself! 

So if you’re just starting or finding yourself overwhelmed, wondering where to begin or how to finally launch your credit repair business, I want to invite you to join our upcoming Credit Hero Challenge! It’s a live experience where our coaches and our team of experts walk you through day by day, step by step as you use our proven systems to start and grow your profitable recurring revenue business.


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Did you know that most of our Credit Repair Millionaires started from nothing, and with nothing? And guess what, you can too! See there's a common misconception out there, that to be successful, you need to pour money into things like paid ads, flashy websites, and a big team. But the truth is, most of our millionaires didn't start with any of that stuff. And neither did I.


So the big question is this, how can we take our passion for helping people with their credit and turn it into a successful business without taking loans without spending a fortune by bootstrapping it from nothing, so we can help the most people and still become highly profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Daniel Rosen, and welcome to Credit Repair Business Secrets.


Now, you all know homie is Daniel but did you know for a time I went by the name Phil. And even more often, I was Pammi. When I started the first version of our software, back then I was totally broke. And I couldn't afford a team. So I would be Tammy on support, Phil on sales, but it was really just me the whole time sitting at my computer in my underpants with a five o'clock shadow eating Top Ramen for the millionth time, all because I was too broke to have a team or ads or automations, and I was too embarrassed to admit it to my customers. Maybe you haven't gone to the extreme of pretending you're somebody you're not. But have you ever thought you needed a bunch of big expensive flashy stuff to get your business up and running? I think we all have at one time or another. But you know what I discovered over time in my business, and after helping thousands of Credit Heroes to quit their nine to five jobs and earn six and seven-figure incomes? I discovered that the very best way to go from zero to a million dollars, it costs you almost nothing. It's things like excellent customer service, mastering your craft, getting results for your clients, staying visible on places like Facebook and Instagram, sharing testimonials, sharing your own story, and authentically offering to help. Here's why this is important. If you waste all your time and money on things that aren't producing results, you're gonna wind up resenting the business you've built and worse, you'll know never achieved the level of success that you're capable of. And if you don't become all that you are meant to be, there are going to be a whole lot of families hurting financially, because you're not around to help them with their credit and allowing them to live the life they want. But what's worse than both of those things is that you'll always wonder what if, what if I had followed the processes and systems? What if I had stuck it out through all the hard stuff? What if I had become a millionaire, and was living the life of my dreams? I've said it before. And I'm gonna say it again, you have to start with the basics. So here's what you need to know, to bootstrap a highly profitable credit repair business from nothing step number one, you'll learn the flow of Credit Repair Cloud software, and practice with your sample client and the sample report so you know it like the back of your hand. Repeat this mantra, import, audit, tag, and save, say it with me. Import, audit, tag, and save. If you don't know what this means yet, then it's time to dive into our free resources and order my free book, The Ultimate Guide to starting a credit repair business. Or join us for our next Credit Hero Challenge. Where we take you by the hand as you learn all these basics. Step to be your own first client and work on your own credit dispute a handful of items, and then wait 30 days for results. Now, remember, you Don't want to dispute a whole ton of things all at once, unless you were a victim of identity theft, and you have a police report to include with your letters. So choose a few items to dispute, and then send out your round one letters. Step three, offer to help your family and friends for free. Okay, this way, you'll become an expert as you learn to import a report, run a free credit audit, give awesome client consultations. Save the reports and send your dispute letters. Don't worry about going too slow. Okay, time is on your side. And if you take the time in the beginning, you're going to gain it back later in loyal customers because you'll be getting results and you'll be doing it the right way. Step for 30 days After you send your round one letters, you're going to start to get awesome results. So this is the time to ask for testimonials and videos that show your customers success, real people whose lives you've changed, they're the best way to build your social proof. And they'll become free lead generation for you. I mean, they're going to practically make this sale for you. And remember, all this is free, your best form of advertising. Its happy clients with proven results. So that's why you want to start with your family and friends. And then give them a $50 commission for each paid client that they refer to you and start building up your referral base. Step number five. Now that you've built a solid foundation, now you can begin charging money For credit repair, just make sure you're compliant. Okay? Each state has different rules. So do your due diligence. Some states require a bond, and others don't. So check with your state or an attorney. Also, if a state does require a bond, and when you see the bond prices, don't freak out. If you actually get the bond through a bond service, and then you only pay a small fraction of the total bond amount, okay, so it's totally affordable. Now, if this concerns you, again, I recommend joining our Credit Hero Challenge, where you can hop on live sessions and get real-time answers from our experts. Step six, create a super simple business with simple consistent pricing. Okay, charge every client the same affordable monthly fee, keep your business simple, deliver results, educate clients giveaway information, show value, have a full refund policy for people who aren't happy, be amazing, and grow an awesome reputation. This is running much longer than I thought there. There are actually 12 steps that I wanted to share with you, but I'm running over time. So I'm gonna have to stop here. And then I'm going to tell you the rest of the steps next week. But before I stop, I want to tell you about Ashley Massengill, who made a million dollars in just 18 months by doing exactly what I'm telling you. Ashley Massengill is one of our Millionaires club members. And she is such an inspiration because she started her business from nothing, and she did it by doing all these things. Simple things. Ashley was working at the post office, okay, and she started doing everything she could to raise her own credit. And eventually, she increased it over 144 points in just six months. And she was so excited she started posting her results on Facebook, and almost instantly, she had a ton of people reaching out to her for help. And it didn't take her long to quit her nine to five job and grow her company to where it is today. It's a multi-million dollar credit repair business. And she started with these first six simple steps, and she's changed thousands of lives, and she's built an incredible life for herself. So if you're just starting, and if you're finding yourself overwhelmed, or wondering where to begin, or how to finally launch your credit repair business, I want to invite you to join our upcoming Credit Hero Challenge. It's a live experience where our coaches and our team of experts walk you through day by day, step by step as you use our proven systems to start and grow your profitable recurring revenue business. And if you're finding value in the things I'm sharing on this podcast, be sure to click below to subscribe because I don't want you to miss any episodes. And if you're feeling kind, write me and give me a review. Because this is a new podcast and I can use all the help I can get. And if you have any questions, comment them down below. And I will see you on the next episode. So until then, keep changing lives! 


Hey, everybody, it's Daniel again. And really quick, I'd like to invite you to join what I believe is the best thing we have ever created inside the Credit Repair Cloud Community. And it is a challenge that we call the Credit Hero Challenge. If you're just planning out your business or you're just getting started, and you dream of having a successful business your own, so you can quit your nine to five and fire your boss and have financial freedom, or so you can add another revenue stream to your existing business, if that's your dream, you need to get into this challenge. We created this challenge to help you to create and launch your very own credit repair business. To build a proper foundation for a really successful business. This challenge is going to help you to understand the strategy, the tactics and all the things you need to be successful at credit repair. It really is the greatest thing we have ever built, and it will change your life. So I recommend you do it right now. Stop everything, pause this audio, go online and go to That's and join the next challenge. And there's a challenge that's starting in just a few days. So go get started right now at

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