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Proven Steps From Zero To Millionaire Part 2

By: Daniel Rosen Last updated: April 24, 2024

People in our community start businesses on a shoestring budget in exactly the way I shared with you in Part One, and what I’m sharing in today’s part two article. 

It’s a proven system and it really works, but you’ve got to be patient and learn your craft. 

Credit repair isn’t a “get rich quick scheme”. It’s hard work and some days it feels like you’re pushing a boulder up a cliff, but if you keep positive, have passion, and do at least one thing every day to move your business forward, you’ll gain momentum and build the company of your dreams a whole lot faster than you think! 

So keep reading and I’ll tell you exactly how!

Where This Comes From

Everyone has their own idea of how to run a business, but the steps I’m telling you here today are from my 20 years experience in the credit repair industry and by helping thousands of entrepreneurs quit their 9-5, and earn six and seven-figure incomes through learning what works and what doesn’t.  

We all wish there was a silver bullet or a magic pill that could take us from zero to a million overnight. But the truth is, building a business is like building a house. There are many parts to be planned and steps to take, and in order to have a strong structure for the next hundred years, you’ve got to start by building a solid foundation. 

Why This Is Important

Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither will your business! Too often we’re looking for shortcuts, and all they really do is set us back and keep us stuck. Instead, I want you to keep your chin up, your head down, hustle, work hard, follow the process, and before you know it, you’ll be accepting your Millionaires Club Award, up on stage with me!

So here’s the second half of what you need to know to bootstrap a highly profitable credit repair business from nothing. 

Step Seven: If you’re having a tough time getting results - know you’re not alone! I’ve failed more times than anyone I know. And every time I interview one of our millionaires, I’m always encouraged to hear they failed a ton too! But you know what all of us who finally found success have in common? 

We dug our heels in and we figured it out. 

One way to do this is by further educating yourself in credit repair. If you’re a Credit Repair Cloud user, join our private Facebook community to network with successful credit repair pros who have already been in your shoes, take our Masterclass, join our Credit Hero Challenge, read as many books as you can, come to our expo, and never stop learning. 

Your clients see you as the expert. So become that expert! 

Step Eight: Get some business cards and flyers printed that advertise your services. These are really inexpensive on sites like Vistaprint. They even sometimes offer codes to give you 50% off and free shipping! 

Plus, if you’re a paid user with Credit Repair Cloud you get awesome looking templates for free and then you can upload them directly into sites like Vistaprint to have them delivered right to your doorstep. 

Now, this isn’t free - but it will pay for itself over time as you pass them out and get more customers. 

Step Nine: Build relationships with financial professionals like mortgage brokers, realtors, auto dealers, and tax preparers! As they begin to know-like-and trust you, they’ll become your affiliates and you’ll pay them for each paid client they refer to you. 

This provides a HUGE opportunity to keep leads coming in and send their customers right back to them, but this time they’ll be able to purchase that house or car that they couldn't get before! 

It’s a WIN WIN for everyone, and it can be a really powerful way to change lives and earn a lot of revenue!

Step Ten: Grow your mail list by giving away ebooks, guides, and valuable articles online. Give them away for free. Build multiple drip email campaigns for potential clients, new clients, and affiliates. Write articles and emails that are entertaining, motivating, and informative. 

Remember, people buy from people. So don’t make these look like ads. Make them personal and engaging. You want people to believe you care… because after all - YOU DO! 

Step Eleven: As your budget grows, invest in an assistant, start to build a team, and begin delegating the busywork. This will free you up to concentrate on being awesome, building more professional relationships, and getting more clients. 

Step Twelve: Do whatever you can to keep your passion, your momentum, and your excitement for what you do. Don’t make money your only goal. Money comes and goes. Instead, celebrate the successes that your customers are having, be proud of the work your team is doing, and enjoy the journey! 

As success comes, give back and help others as much as you can. This will grow your business larger than your wildest dreams and before you know it, you’ll be making a million dollars and accepting your Millionaires Club Award! Just like Tracy Arnett did.  

Tracy was a victim of identity theft, so he hired Lexington law to fix his credit. But in the end, all they did was take his money and they left him worse off than when he started. 

So he said, “Screw it! I’m going to fix my own credit.”,  and he did! And he obsessed about it until he made it happen. Soon he was helping family and friends with their credit, and he bootstrapped his business all the way to over two million dollars in annual recurring revenue! 

Did Tracy have any background in credit repair or flashy, expensive tools when he started? No! Not at all! He just started slow, he trusted the process, and made it happen. Now he’s living an incredible life and changing a lot of lives! 

Can you imagine if this happened to you? Do you believe it can? 

I KNOW it can! 

I want this to become a goal for you. I have complete faith and belief in you. And I want you to have faith and belief in yourself as well.  I did it, and if I can do it ANYONE can! 

So if you’re just starting or finding yourself overwhelmed, wondering where to begin or how to finally launch and scale your credit repair business, I want to invite you to join our upcoming Credit Hero Challenge

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Topics: Podcast



I see people in our communities start businesses on a shoestring budget in exactly the way I talked to you about in my last episode. And in today's podcast - part two. It's a proven system, and it really works. But you've got to be patient and learn your craft. We all know credit repair isn't a get-rich-quick scheme, right? It takes hard work. And some days, some days you feel like you're pushing a boulder up a cliff. But if you keep positive, have passion, and do at least one thing every day to move your business forward, you'll gain momentum, and you'll build the company of your dreams a whole lot faster than you think. So stay tuned, and I'm going to tell you exactly how. 


So the big question is this. How can we take our passion for helping people with their credit and turn it into a successful business without taking loans without spending a fortune by bootstrapping it from nothing, so we can help the most people and still become highly profitable? That is the question, and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Daniel Rosen, and welcome to Credit Repair Business Secrets.


Everyone has their own idea of how to run a business. But the steps I'm telling you here today are from my 20 years of experience in the credit repair industry, and by helping thousands of entrepreneurs quit their nine to five and earn six and seven-figure incomes through learning what works and what doesn't. Now, we all wish there was a silver bullet or a magic pill that could take us from zero to a million overnight. But the truth is building a business - it's like building a house. And there are many parts to be planned and steps to take. And in order to have a strong structure for the next hundred years, you've got to start by building a solid foundation. Here's why this is important. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will your business. Too often, we're looking for shortcuts. And all they really do is set us back and keep us stuck. So instead, I want you to keep your chin up, your head down, hustle, work hard, follow the process, and before you know it, you'll be accepting your Millionaires Club Award up on stage with me. So here's the second half of what you need to know to bootstrap a highly profitable credit repair business from nothing. Step number seven. If you're having a tough time getting results, know that you're not alone. I've failed more times than anyone I know. And every time I interview one of our millionaires, I'm always encouraged to hear that they've failed a ton to. But you know what all of us who finally found success, what we all have in common? We dug our heels in, and we figured it out. One way to do this is by further ranking, you know, further educating yourself in credit repair. If you're a Credit Repair Cloud user, join our private Facebook community. It's free. join it to network with successful credit repair pros who have already been in your shoes, and take our masterclass and join our Credit Hero Challenge. Read as many books as you can come to Expo and never stop learning your clients. They see you as the expert. So become that expert. Step number eight, get some business cards, and flyers, get them printed to advertise your services. There are some really inexpensive ones you can get on sites like Vistaprint. They even sometimes offer codes to give you 50% off and free shipping. Plus, if you're a paid user with Credit Repair Cloud, you get some awesome looking templates for free. And then you can upload those directly into sites like Vistaprint to have them delivered right to your doorstep. Now, this isn't free, of course, the Vistaprint but it will pay for itself over time as you pass them out and get more clients. Step number nine. Build real relationships with financial professionals like mortgage brokers, realtors, auto dealers, and tax preparers. As they begin to know like and trust you, they'll become your affiliates. And you'll pay them for each paid clients that they refer to you. This provides a huge opportunity to keep your pipeline full, and then send their customers right back to them. But this time, they'll be able to purchase that home or that car that they couldn't get before. It's a win-win for everyone. And it can be a really powerful way to change lives and earn a lot of revenue. Step 10. Grow your mail list and grow it by giving away e-books, guides, and valuable articles online. Give them away for free building. Multiple drip email campaigns for potential clients, new clients, and affiliates. Write articles and emails that are entertaining, motivating, and informative. Remember, people buy from people. So don't make these look like ads. Okay? Make them personal and engaging. All right. You want people to believe you care because after all, you do. Step number 11. As your budget grows, invest in an assistant and start to build a team and begin delegating the busy work. This will free you up to concentrate on being awesome. Building more professional relationships and getting more clients. Step 12. Do whatever you can take. Keep your passion, your momentum and your excitement. For what you do, okay, don't make money, your only goal, money comes and goes. Instead, celebrate the successes that your customers are having. Be proud of the work that your team is doing, and enjoy the journey. As success comes, give back and help others as much as you can. This will grow your business larger than your wildest dreams. And before you know it, you'll be making a million dollars and accepting your Millionaire's club award. Just like Tracy Arnett did. Tracy was a victim of identity theft. So he hired Lexington Law to fix his credit. But in the end, all they did was take his money, and then they left him worse off than when he started. So Tracy said screw it. I'm going to fix my own credit. And he did and he obsessed about it until made it happen. And soon, he was helping his family and friends with their credit. And he bootstrapped his business all the way to over $2 million in annual recurring revenue. Did Tracy have any background in credit repair or flashy, expensive tools when he started? No, he didn't. Not at all. He just started slow, he trusted the process, and he made it happen. And now he's living an incredible life, and he's changing a lot of lives. Can you imagine if this happened to you? Do you believe it can? I know it can. You've got this. I want this to become a goal for you. I have complete faith and belief in you and I want you to have faith and belief in yourself as well. I did it and if I can do it, anyone can. So if you're just starting or finding yourself overwhelmed, wondering where to begin, or how to finally launch and scale your credit repair business. I want you to join our upcoming Credit Hero Challenge. If you're finding value in the things I'm sharing on this podcast, click below to subscribe. And if you're feeling kind write me and give me a review, because this is a new podcast and I can use all the help I can get. And I will see you on the next episode. So until then - keep changing lives!


Hey, everybody, it's Daniel again. And really quick, I'd like to invite you to join what I believe is the best thing we have ever created inside the Credit Repair Cloud Community. And it is a challenge that we call the Credit Hero Challenge. If you're just planning out your business or you're just getting started, and you dream of having a successful business your own, so you can quit your nine to five and fire your boss and have financial freedom, or so you can add another revenue stream to your existing business, if that's your dream, you need to get into this challenge. We created this challenge to help you to create and launch your very own credit repair business. To build a proper foundation for a really successful business. This challenge is going to help you to understand the strategy, the tactics and all the things you need to be successful at credit repair. It really is the greatest thing we have ever built, and it will change your life. So I recommend you do it right now. Stop everything, pause this audio, go online and go to That's and join the next challenge. And there's a challenge that's starting in just a few days. So go get started right now at

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